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“When I took my 17-year old my son, Tobi, to Antonia about 3 months ago, he had not had any serious acting lessons for about two years. We all considered it an uphill task, if not an impossible one, when he expressed his intention to audition for a place on an acting course in some of the top acting schools. After reading some of the testimonials on Antonia’s website, we felt she might just be the right coach for Tobi – that was in fact, a brilliant decision! From the first session, we could see a marked improvement in Tobi’s confidence. His auditions have gone remarkably well and Tobi ultimately received offers from AADA, RADA, The Bridge and NYCDA!” Tom Falade, Parent

"Antonia is one of the most encouraging teachers I have ever met. As an actor working in a second language, elocution had always been an issue for me. The intensive one to one lessons with Antonia helped me so much to improve my sight-reading skills and confidence as well as my accent. I can't thank her enough!"

Jimin Suh, RCS MA Acting

“For as long as I can remember I have had trouble with my voice, with speed, enunciation, projection, etc. Since becoming an actor this has thrown into light how disabling it is not to have control over one's voice. It cannot be exaggerated how helpful and illuminating it was working with Antonia. With compassion, hard work and enthusiasm, she has helped me critique and improve my technique, giving me the insight and tools to overcome life-long bad habits.”

Damien Hughes, MA Acting E15; Blue Iguana; Simulated Dead People

“Each class I have had with Antonia has been filled with an array of emotions ranging from laughter and excitement to serenity and even a few tears. Not only did she provide excellent guidance and tuition, every session introduced new concepts and exercises which further expanded my knowledge in the art of acting. Her dedication to her pupils’ individual needs and her raw passion towards the performing arts makes Antonia a genuine pleasure to work with. I look forward to many more sessions in the future."

Kiran Sonia Sawar, Oxford School of Drama; Murdered by my Father; Black Mirror

“Antonia is a gifted and passionate voice coach with a wonderful and vibrant personality that put me at ease straight away… My time with Antonia was fabulous fun and she definitely opened my eyes to the beauty of speech and sound.”

Divs Gordhan, IT Professional

“When you’re working with Antonia you can tell she really loves what she does and her enthusiasm and knowledge help you to push yourself and find the best way of acting for you.”

Adam Harley, BA Acting RADA; Upstart Crow

“The night was an absolute success  - we  sold out! Packed house, great audience and all the acts were fabulous. Apparently Sarcassy rocked! Felt incredibly zen all day and didn't have an ounce of nerves on the evening. I felt like I owned the stage and loved every minute of it! And... I've been asked to host another night in early spring! Massive thanks to you for all your support, encouragement and direction - It's been invaluable.”

Corinna Currie 'Sarcassy' Compere


"I thought I would let you know that Amy has been offered a place at Aberdeen Medical School following her interview there... Many thanks for your input here."

Lynn Davis, Parent

“Antonia helped me to improve my public speaking skills as well as giving me lots of tips to be more engaging when interacting with people in general. The classes were a lot of fun and Antonia quickly identified my weak points and then devised exercises to work on them. After only three classes I made a lot of improvements and feel a lot more confident speaking in public. I would definitely recommend booking a class with Antonia to anyone who wants to work on their speaking skills.”

Guido Schneider, Film/TV Editor

"I just wanted to say again huge thanks for this course. I found the technique really inspiring and I found that I was making choices that were immediate and took me in directions I'd never been in before. I surprised myself!"

Adura Onashile, Actress and Writer

“ …We heard today that Gabriel has been offered a place at Tring Park School…. Many thanks for all your help!”

 Nicola Greer, Parent

“Hey! I got in AADA! I received the letter today. I'm so happy! THANK YOU so much for all your help!”

Vanessa Fernandes, American Academy of Dramatic Art

"Antonia is great at helping you relate to your emotions..."

Thom Evans, Former Scottish International Rugby Union player

“Just to let you know that I believe that I have learned more from you in ten weeks than in the whole of the previous twelve years. For you it must have felt like pulling teeth, but I’m very grateful than you have left me needing a full set of dentures!!! Thank you so much.”

Dr David Griffith, Amateur Actor

“As a young actress, Antonia really helped me to see how I was often holding back for fear of being wrong… Its often too easy to confuse great lying for acting, but through techniques such as visualisation, I've learned that our true reactions to text and characters are much more convincing and, ironically, harder to go wrong with…”

Angelica Gray: Model; Actress

“Antonia has led group workshops for my theatre company on several occasions as a guest director, introducing us to rhythmical and vocal explorations drawn from her training with Song of the Goat Theatre and her individual practice. Having very much enjoyed her work and approach to acting I returned to work with Antonia on an individual basis. I find her very inspiring and open as a teacher, allowing an actor to truly connect with their instincts, intuition and imagination. I would highly recommend her classes to anyone who dares to go deeper in an actor’s experience.”

Agnieszka Bresler, Actress and Artistic Director of Gappad Theatre

“ I just wanted to let you know I got accepted into the RSAMD for the MA in Musical Theatre. They also want to put me forward for a scholarship. I’m ecstatic. Thank you again for all your help, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Zoe Demetriou, Actress

“Antonia was a key element in helping me construct my audition pieces for drama school. Her tuition was enlightened and thorough – all delivered in a completely supported manner. I credit her help with my success at gaining a place at RSAMD and London drama schools!” 

Edward McGurn, Actor

“…I just wanted to thank you SO much for leading our Kitchen members last Thursday. It was a pleasure to see you again and the feedback on the evening was great; it's good to be reminded of the simple yet essential art of listening and connecting, and in such a supportive environment….

Adrienne-Marie Zitt, ‘Head Chef’, The Actors Kitchen

“When I started acting lessons with Antonia I had no prior experience and didn't know what to expect. However after the first lesson I was completely at ease and I felt comfortable practising different monologues with her. I looked forward to my weekly lesson and always felt inspired by Antonia's passion and creativity for acting. Her love for acting is infectious and I got the feeling that she really cared about the material we were working on. Once I had enough confidence to go for auditions we would go over the script and explore it in different ways... Antonia gave me the confidence to go for auditions where I have now been successful in quite a few and has taught me valuable skills which I will never forget. I'm now doing something that I only dreamed about doing before and I thank Antonia for that.”

Derek Brettell, Actor


“Antonia Doggett in her work is rare combination of professionalism and passion. I cannot imagine a student who would not benefit from her classes. Her experience, meticulousness and ability to listen allow every student to make real progress…”

Robert Przekwas, Artistic Co-director, Gappad Theatre

“Two years ago, when I started to follow Antonia’s acting lessons it was probably just curiosity. Thanks to Antonia’s openness and expertise it turned out to be a full-life experience - a way to discover and express parts of myself I didn’t know were there. Step by step I’m deepening more and more into my energies, my voice and into the awareness of my body. I think that’s great.”

Filippo Reviglio, IT Technical Architect

“I have worked as a singer for many years but have always felt inhibited when it came to acting and performance. Antonia was amazing at helping me to overcome these inhibitions and has completely changed the way I look at performance. I'm very grateful and would recommend Antonia unreservedly” 

Elaine Gray, Singer

"The way we talk and interact is often taken for granted but working with Antonia has been a revelation. The observations and insights she makes into the way I speak and communicate, backed up with practical coaching and illuminating exercises, has given me a new confidence, and skills to put into practise in presentations, interviews and day-to-day communication." 

Ian Tucker, Commissioning Editor on The Observer

"Antonia's approach to acting allowed me to grow both as a person and subsequently  an actor. Her vast knowledge of repertoire ensured that I had very individual and contrasting audition material. Without my relatively short period of studying with Antonia I doubt I would have gained a place on a Masters programme at one of the UK's leading conservatoires."

Andrew Keay, Actor; Warhorse

"I came to Antonia with no acting experience whatsoever and have thoroughly enjoyed her classes. She is generous and patient, and her lessons are always varied and fun without being in any way intimidating.  Every time I come out of a lesson I feel refreshed and inspired.  I would thoroughly recommend her as a teacher."

Emily MacPherson, First Violinist for the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

“…Having had little knowledge of Shakespeare, Antonia helped me choose a wide selection of texts that suited me and we began working on each one individually, firstly grasping an understanding of the language and then carefully analysing the meaning of the texts through a wide range of techniques. Antonia's obvious love for acting and passion for life has pushed me and, in doing so, raised not only my ability but my confidence also."

Peter Hannah, BA Acting, RADA; Unforgotten; Waitress; Shakespeare in Love

"She's a ruddy marvel - get yourself along there!"

David Goodall, Best Director, New York Film Festival

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